Son Pari


Son Pari (English: Golden Fairy) is an Indian children's fantasy adventure television series which aired from 23 November 2000 to 1 October 2004 on Star Plus. The series follows the story of a bit lady name Fruity, who receives a magical gem that, when rubbed, summons a fairy named Son Pari and her friend Alto.
v Plot
Bunty, a scientist's apprentice catches a dove to administer to his boss to use in Associate in Nursing experiment. Bunty and therefore the man of science need to capture Son Pari and use her to become wealthy by showing her off to the planet. Fruity set the dove free, not knowing that the bird is actually Son Pari (Golden Fairy), who often comes to Earth with the permission of the fairy queen called Pari Ma (Fairy Mother).
Fruity's mother died long ago. Fruity goes to the terrace to seem at the celebs, as she believes her mother is in one of them. One-night Son Pari involves her and offers her relationship reciprocally for the help Fruity once gave her. This starts the story of their strange friendship. Son Pari and Altu begin meeting Fruity often and have several adventures. They help her get obviate Ruby, a woman who wants to marry Fruity's father, Rohit, for his money. Although Ruby's brother helps Ruby, Son Pari and Altu make sure they don't succeed. Later Son Pari realises that Fruity is in great danger, for it is written on the prophecies that Fruity will kill Kali Pari (Black Fairy), who is the main villain of Season 2. For a brief whereas, Son Pari makes Tooty, a fairy World Health Organization is Fruity's look-alike, lookout of Fruity and defend her from Kali Pari.
v Cast
v Actor Character

  • Tanvi Hegde       Fruity and Tooty Ruty Dayan
  • Mrinal Dev-Kulkarni        Son Pari
  • Ashok Lokhande               Altamash/altu
  • Vivek Mushran  Rohit(fruity's father)
  • Benazir Shaikh   Twinkle
  • Aditya Surtey     Appy
  • Jhanak Shukla    Princy 236 PART 1 2 3
  • Deepshikha Nagpal         Ruby kali Pari uses body
  • Shashikala           Daadi(fruity's grandmother)
  • Anita Kanwal      Mrs. Dhillon
  • Harsh Khurana  Deepak
  • Kaivalya Chheda               Jeff D'Souza(fruity's best friend)
  • Tina Parekh        Jennifer
  • Pratibha               Teressa
  • Yashodhan          Jeff's father
  • Akul Tripathi       Bunty
  • Upasana Singh   Kaali Pari/Cruella(main antagonist)
  • Yahsraj Khushwaha         Karan / Rocky bleaming Tutty
  • Zoya Afroz          Dimple
  • Zohaib Ahmed  Zack/Dimple cousin
  • Aditya Kapadia  Anokha Abijith
  • Natasha Sinha    Pari Maa
  • Banani Behera   Genius *Manasi Salvi Chulbuli 229
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